Aural Rehabilitation


Complete Hearing Lincoln NE logo
Doctors Sandra Miler, Meghanne Wetta, Macy Schott-Miller Audiologists

In combination with properly fit hearing aids, Aural Rehabilitation provides an educational experience to help improve your listening and communication skills.

We are here to provide individual and group training in the areas of listening and communication strategies.  This may include ideas for modifying your listening environments, implementing communication strategies, or training on self-advocacy. 

Aural Rehabilitation

at Home

Have fun increasing your attention, confidencebrain speedmemory, and people skills with the resource and tools below.

Woman at home working on a tablet.

Listening and Communication Enhancement (LACE) is a computerized training program that’s self-paced, individualized, and can be completed at home.

clEAR Works 4 Ears provides auditory brain training to those with hearing loss in order to enhance speech recognition.

Brain HQ is cognitive training that adapts to the level you are working at and can be a pre-planned training or adapted by you!

A fresh approach from Starkey to help keep your brain engaged while helping you retain some natural ability to hear, understand and listen. The app is free and downloaded from your app store.